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June 21 2011 2 21 /06 /June /2011 13:33

Various methods of calculating your body fat percentage have been formulated. Each method has its inaccuracies. However, there are a few methods which are more accurate than others. This calculation - no matter how it is sought - determines the total amount of body fat and if it is at a healthy level or not.

Calculating with calipers or a body fat scale


One of the most accurate ways to calculate your body fat percentage is by using a pair of measuring calipers. Using about four body measurements of skinfolds and averaging the calculations is the best way to determine your fat percentage.

Body fat scale

A body fat scale is not your average weight test, but a device which sends non-toxic electrical currents through your body. The currents measure the density of your body fat. Ultimately, resulting in an accurate measure of your body fat percentage.

Calculating without calipers

If you do not have calipers or access to a body fat scale, you may still find your body fat percentage, although it may not be as accurate as other methods.

Conduct an accurate weight check

  • Remember or write down this number because you will need it later.

  • Grab a tape measure and measure the girth of your waist, in inches.

  • Make sure you have the tape measure wrapped around the waistline, right below the navel.

  • Multiply your calculations for the girth of your waist by 4.15 and write down the results.

  • Write down the results to multiplying your weight times 0.082.

  • Subtract result number two from result number one and write down this third calculation.

  • From the third result, if you are a woman, you should subtract 76.76. If you are a man, you should subtract 98.42.

  • Divide this fourth number by your body weight and then multiply by 100 to find the percentage. Around 14 to 24 percent is recommended.

Body fat percentage versus BMI

Your body fat percentage differs from your body mass index. However, oftentimes these numbers are thought to be the same. Your body mass index calculates the mass of your entire body. Basically, this calculation is done by a mass calculator which does not take into consideration other factors such as lean mass weight. On the contrary, your body fat percentage only counts body fat rather than lean mass such as your muscles, bones and organs.

Dial Calipers; Tastzirkel; zur Dickenmessung - über Hindernisse hinweschwanger
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June 17 2011 5 17 /06 /June /2011 09:00

Leg pain is a common problem, you probably have experienced at one time or another. Sometimes, the leg pain is caused by a joint problem such as arthritis. On the other hand, the pain you experience possibly branches from an issue with the muscles in the leg. These issues are caused by over usage, certain medications and even certain diseases.

Use issues

The main cause of a majority of leg pain issues stems from overuse. Any muscle which works too hard responds with symptoms such as pain, difficulty with movement and cramping. Oftentimes, aching legs include not only muscle pain but pain from ligaments and tendons as well. In some cases, damage is done to the muscle or ligaments causing muscle pain. These muscle injuries can occur due to a fall or even because of over usage.


Certain prescriptions and even some non-prescription drugs possess the potential to cause leg muscle pains. According to MedlinePlus, the illegal drug cocaine causes leg muscle pains. Other the other hand, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors - more commonly known as ACE inhibitors - are a classification of prescription drugs used to lower blood pressure.

These drugs may cause the side effect of leg muscle pains. Ace inhibitors include drugs like lisinopril, fosinopril and ramipril. The cholesterol lowering medication group called statins may cause pains in the muscles. These drugs include the generic drugs simvastatin, rosuvastatin and atorvastatin.

Diseases and other causes

Patients with fibromyalgia experience pain, tenderness and stiffness in the muscles and tendons. The condition is also known to cause fatigue, depression and anxiety. Fibromyalgia does not have a specific cause and does not cause internal inflammation or other internal symptoms.

Even food poisoning has been associated with pain in the muscles. In particular, trichinosis -- a diseased linked to the consumption of uncooked meats. The occurrence of trichinosis in the United States is highly unlikely due to the restrictions placed upon meat packing. A person develops this condition by eating an animal which is infected with the worm. The cysts of trichinella bust open causing a worm to enter into the intestines. Ultimately, this leads to cramping, muscle pain, muscle weakness, fever and abdominal discomfort.

my scarred up legs
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June 17 2011 5 17 /06 /June /2011 07:19

Your eyes may water for various reasons, ranging from allergies to yawning to a serious medical condition. Even weather conditions such as wind or looking into the sunlight will cause your yes to water. Despite the reasoning, all watery eyes occur via the same process.


General information

Basically, watery eyes are a sign of a foreign object or other external force causing the eye to respond in a defensive manner. Meaning - tearing eyes are a method of protection for the eye. The moisture in the eye assists in removing foreign objects such as a contact in the wrong place, dirt or pollen. Many times itchy watery eyes occur, in addition to just teary eyes.

How it works

The tear glands - technically known as the lacrimal ducts - begin the process. You can find these glands under the upper eyelids. Each tear duct runs between your eye and your nose.


Environmental factors

Environmental factors are some of the most common watery eye causes. These variety of teary eyes is caused by contact with an onion - both via rubbing your eyes or just being near an onion. Other examples include allergens such as pollen and mold. Allergens typically cause both watery eyes and itchy eyes. Smoke is another example of an environmental factor which causes runny eyes.


Conjunctivitis - more commonly known as pink eyes - is a bacteria, viral or allergen related condition which causes an inflammation and infection in the transparent membrane. Besides watery eyes, pink eye triggers symptoms such as gritty eyes, discharge, itchiness or pain and redness.

Nasolacrimal duct blockage

Nasolacrimal duct blockage occurs sometimes without any known reason. In fact, it is difficult to diagnose the origin of a partially blocked duct. However, the partially blocked duct causes an increased tear production due to the tears not channeling through the proper drainage tubes.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes are just as the name depicts - a dry eye. Your eyes natural defense mechanism kicks in to counteract the dryness with increased tear production. This results in a watery eye.

Other infections

Sinusitis, the common cold and even chicken pox are known causes of watery eyes. Other infections -both viral and bacterial - cause the eyes to water uncontrollably. This is your body's defense of fighting ff the infection. This symptom decreases as the infection clears up.

Joe has my Dads eyes through and through.. they twinkle when he smile: eyes (Jewgienij Bal ) Photographer: Anna Bal. Category:Eyebrows Ca
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June 14 2011 2 14 /06 /June /2011 05:37

Termination of a pregnancy is a controversial topic and a very difficult decision for a woman to make. Oftentimes, abortion is a choice when a pregnancy is unwanted. However, sometimes the woman's life may be at stake carrying full term, the unborn baby may have serious medical problems and sometimes the pregnancy result from incest or a rape.

Abortion pills

The abortion pill is considered the safest and cheapest method to terminate a pregnancy. Generally, the abortion pill runs anywhere from 300 to 800 US dollars, states Planned Parenthood. The form of getting an abortion is only effective until nine weeks of gestation.

There is actually a series of pills given to the women to take home with her. This includes an antibiotic, mifepristone which blocks progesterone and breaks down the uterus and misoprostol, which is an ulcer medication used to empty the uterus during this method of abortion.

Aspiration, D&E and D&C

A vacuum aspiration, dilation and evacuation (D&E) and rarely a dilation and curettage are abortion options. These options are usually only available up until 16 weeks of pregnancy. Each one of these options are only preformed in abortion clinics or in some instances hospitals. Typically, the cost of abortion performed this way ranges from 300 to 950 US dollars when the surgery is performed in the first trimester (13 weeks or less).

Vacuum aspiration

This procedure begins with the dilation of the cervix via a dilator. After the cervix is dilated, a tube is inserted into the vagina and through the cervix, then it will finally reach the uterus. A manual or electric suction is used to suction out the unborn baby.

Dilation and evacuation

A D&E begins with dilation of the cervix. The next step depends on how far long the pregnancy is. A D&E in the second trimester requires an injection through the abdomen to ensure the unborn baby is deceased. A combination of a suction machine and other medical equipment is used to remove the contents.

Dilation and curettage

This is a very rare procedure due to the risks. Typically, it is only done if a means to suction is unavailable. A D&C involves dilation of the cervix. After dilation, a curette - which is basically a medical scraper which scrapes the content from the uterus.

Other Procedures

A dilation and extraction or D&X is only performed after 21 weeks. The procedure involves removing the unborn baby through the birth canal with forceps. An incision is made and the brain is suctioned prior to removing the body. Sometimes a surgical abortion in the second trimester occurs similar to a c-section and sometimes induction abortion is used.

My pregnant wifesurgical team during operation: working on open wo
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June 13 2011 1 13 /06 /June /2011 14:02

The National Sleep Foundation is a non-profit organisation located in the United States. Their mission is to conduct scientific research, in order to improve sleeping patterns, sleeping problems and sleeping health in general. The organisation is for advocacy, education and even public awareness of sleeping issues and the best sleeping habits.


General Information

The National Sleep Foundation studies plethora of problems associated with adult sleeping problems. This includes sleeping patterns and stress, insomnia, sleep apnea, obesity and sleep, and even particular health condition’s relationship with sleep. The adult studies show the importance of sleep and tips on how to get a good sleep.

Specific Studies

This foundation conducts studies and collects statistical data related to issues with sleep and even statistics on adults getting enough sleep. For instance, a poll conducted in 2010 shows the pre-bedtime habits and lack of sleep in different ethnicities. One piece of information found through this study was that Hispanics are more likely to lose sleep due to financial and other life problems.

Another sleep study indicates that sleep problems are potentially a problem that increased one's chances of obesity. Besides these two studies, the association looks at ways to get a better night sleep such as the proper pillows and bed, tips on creating a proper bedtime routine and items to avoid close to bedtime.


General Information

The National Sleep Foundation even studies the health of kids sleep and problems associated with children and sleep. Tips for helping your infant fall asleep on his or her own and tips to help your baby sleep through the fight are available. Even tips for creating an ideal sleep environment for any age child or infant is accessible via the association.

Specific Studies

There's a possibility of a correlation between obesity and short nighttime sleeps in children under five, states the National Sleep Foundation. The study was conducted by Janice F. Bell, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the University of Washington, Seattle and Frederick J. Zimmerman, Ph.D., of the University of California, Los Angeles and showed evidence that habitually shortened sleep duration may cause children's obesity.

Health Conditions and Other Information

Finding the sleep patterns and problems associated with individuals with certain conditions is another task of the National Sleep Foundation. This charitable organisation studies a wide range of health conditions and its effect on sleep. This is includes mood-related conditions such as depression, sleep disorders and pregnancy.

baby born with silver spoon in her mouthSleeping young cute child in a colorful bedcosy bedroom interior 3dOverwhelmed at the office
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June 13 2011 1 13 /06 /June /2011 08:07

There are so many treatments for depression on the market. This includes every remedy from pharmaceuticals like the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor sertraline HCl to herbs for depression such as ginkgo. When choosing the best depression option for you, should take into consideration a few factors.

General information

Herbal remedies treat just about anything nowadays. Some herbs for depression treatment include St. John’s Wort, licorice, basil, sage, ginseng and ginger. Kava kava, lemon balm, S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM-e), omega-3 fatty acids, damania, vitamin B12 and vitamin C all are said to have an affect on depression

Points Positifs

Better than medications

Curing depression with herbs is all-natural. This reduces the risk of side effects. However, it doesn't eliminate side effects altogether. Usually, the side effects of natural remedies are less severe than other remedies. Herbs tend to react with the body well and have the ability to be digested easily.

Other Benefits

Herbs are a low cost treatment for depression. Most herbs are available over-the-counter for a low price. There are not any co-pays or the battle over whether generic drugs have to be prescribed over a name brand drugs. In fact, some natural herbal remedies may be available in your own backyard. For example, peppermint is used to treat depression associated with premenstrual syndrome and it can be found all through nature. Many times, a natural remedy has more than one benefit. In other words, some herbs treat depression while regulating your digestive tract.

Points Négatifs

No research

The major negative aspect of herbs is they are nearly as accepted as prescription drugs. Additionally, there is not much research that shows their effectiveness. Very few herbs have been proven to work.This means the herb might be thought to treat depression but it may not actually have any affect on it.

Side effects

They are generally the same. Just because few side effects are known doesn't mean that there aren't more associated with the herb. Many herbs react negatively with prescription medications. This is the same for certain health conditions and certain herbs. For instance, many herbs raise blood pressure, so if you already have hypertension, certain herbs are out of the question.

Final word

You must still speak to a physician regarding starting any herb, so these aren’t quick solutions to use to self-treat.

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June 13 2011 1 13 /06 /June /2011 06:04

Though not the most common aesthetic procedure, face lift surgery is a common procedure. Face lifts reduce the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles. Ultimately, this creates the look of face rejuvenation. This may sound appealing and tempting, but is the benefit really worth the risks?

Background onformation


Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a face lift assists with removing deep lines, jowls and even the excess skin hanging from your chin. The surgery starts with an incision in the temple hair. This is right in front of the ear and slightly upward.

The procedure of the surgery

The incision continues around the lobe of the ear and circles the ear prior to revisiting the starting point. The surgeon, then raises the skin outward. At this point, the muscle and connective tissue are tightened and repositioned for the look that was discussed at your consultation.

Removal of fat and skin

In addition to the rearranging and tightening, the surgeon may also remove fat and excess skin. Skin is then sewed up with fine sutures or metal chips. This eliminates the need to shave the area so that the surgery may be discrete.



One of the more common risks of face lift surgery is scarring. Typically, scarring is minimal and decrease over a span of six to 12 months. However, this is not always the case. Certain factors such as age and skin elasticity may increase the likelihood of scar tissue forming.


A hematoma is a deposit of blood that forms outside of a blood vessel. Basically, blood has leaked from the vein, artery or capillary causing a dried blood mass. This causes symptoms such as itching, redness and even pain.

Unexpected end result

In some instances, after the surgery is performed and healing has occurred, you are just not happy with the procedure. An unexpected end result attributes to one of many factors.

This includes unrealistic expectations, unlicensed or not board certified surgeon and complications during surgery, just to name a few. Many are weary of getting the surgery since a face lift costs a great deal of money and results may not be up to their expectations.


Occasionally, an infection occurs because of the surgery. The infection is usually treatable with antibiotics. The symptoms include redness, heat around incision site and sensitivity.

Though rare, the infection called MRSA or methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus may occur during some face lift procedures. This particular staph infection is difficult to treat, but some medications are still effective against it.

surgical team during operation: working on open wo
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June 9 2011 4 09 /06 /June /2011 08:02

Drug addiction, alcoholism, sex addiction, Internet addiction, shopping addiction and any other form of addiction are serious issues which have negative consequences for both the addict and the individuals close to an addict. Though each rehabilitation clinic and any rehabilitation is different, a few vital processes are the same.



Certain medications control the symptoms of withdrawal. For example, benzodiazepine tranquilisers are a common variety of medication to ease the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In the same way, the medication Lorazepam - which is marketed under the trade name Ativan - is used to ease the symptoms of withdrawal.

When detoxing from alcohol, Valium - also known as Diazepam - is oftentimes prescribed. Other commonly used tranquilisers used for detox include Alprazolam also known as Xanax, Clonazepam or Klonopin and Chlordiazepoxide also known as Librium.

Depression medications

Depression medications are sometimes prescribed to help with addiction-related depression. The brand name drug Zoloft - generically known as Sertraline Hydrochloride - is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for alcohol withdrawal. Zoloft is selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor or SSRI which aids with the depression. This variety of medication is usually used first in alcohol abuse patients.

Methadone and other medications

Naltrexone is a medication used to treat alcoholics. This particular medication reduces cravings for alcohol. Antabuse also helps treat alcoholics as well. This particular drug causes an adverse reaction when someone drinks while taking this medication.

Anticonvulsants such as Carbamazepine is used to control tremors and hallucinations. There is another drug that is a synthetic opioid known as methadone. Methadone is used to treat the withdrawal symptoms of opiates such as heroin.

Support groups

Though medications will stop cravings and ease the symptoms of withdrawal, there is still more to recovery. An effective drug rehabilitation program contains a support group or other similar therapy.

This includes speaking with a drug and alcohol counselor. Other examples of support groups include narcotics anonymous, alcoholics anonymous and shopaholics anonymous.

Basically, there is a support group for any type of addiction. Many treatment centers offer their own support groups. Addiction counseling is available in many hospitals as well. Each one of these recovery tools aids in the success of overcoming addiction.

pills (photocopy)Alcohol Abuse
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June 8 2011 3 08 /06 /June /2011 08:46

There is a major correlation between sports and health. Sports and health go hand-in-hand to affect every aspect of your health including mental, physical and emotional health. In fact, even your social health is benefited by team sports.


Mentally, sport fitness is important in various ways. For instance, sports increase the flow of oxygen throughout your body. This increase in oxygen to your brain allows for better cognitive abilities, memory and focus. Many conditions such as Alzheimer’s, a form of dementia, benefits from aerobic and other sport activities.

Sports can even have an influence on conditions such as schizophrenia. It not only works your brain, but your body as well, since it requires perfect coordination. This makes sports a mental activity as well as a physical one.


Cardiovascular benefits

Health & fitness are associated with sports, too. Physically, sports are draining and have numerous health benefits. Besides building muscles, sports improve your circulation. It also decreases your low-density lipo-proteins and raises your high-density lipo-proteins, leading to a better cholesterol score. It even affects blood pressure, which prevents the negative consequences of hypertension such as a heart attack or stroke.

Other benefits

Exercise and health have a great significance on one another. The exercise you do while playing sports reduces your risks of diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis. According to the Mayo Clinic, sports and other aerobic activities may even prevent certain types of cancer.


Endorphins & stress hormones

Sports have an impact on your mood as well. While you play sports, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are defined as opioid peptides, that is, neurotransmitters. Consequently, the increased level of endorphins produced during sports causes people to be happy. This is one of the reasons why sport is considered as a weapon against depression. In addition, the exercise from sports decreases stress hormones such as cortisol.

Social interaction

The social interaction of sports not only offers social but mental benefits too. Just as with a night out with friends, team sports can make you equally happy. The time you spend as a team or even playing against one another plays a role in your overall happiness. Winning gives you a sense of accomplishment and plays an impact on your emotional health by building confidence and self-esteem.

1 Basketball | Source | Author At.morey.tota | Date | Permission | o
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June 7 2011 2 07 /06 /June /2011 08:04

Anyone who has ever participated in any type of aerobic exercise has probably overheard the phrase "target heart rate." Though the definition of the term is static, the value of your target heart rate changes depending on a few variables such as your age.


Your physical fitness level changes your target heart rate and causes alterations to be made on behalf of your fitness regiment


By definition, your target heart rate reference the ideal pulse rate for you during aerobic exercises. This is why, your target heart rate is often at times called your aerobic heart rate. Ultimately, this number assists you in customising a personal workout based on this number.

Calculating your target heart rate

Maximum heart rate

In order to calculate your target heart rate, you must find your maximum heart rate. The original method to calculate your heart rate was simple and just required you to subtract your age from 220.

Numerous times, this formula has changed and each maximum heart rate calculation is equally accepted.

For instance, James R Karp - a running coach and physiologist states that the ideal method to find your maximum heart rate is to use the formula 205.8 - (0.685 x age).

Target heart rate

No matter which method you use, you need to find the pulse rate, that is, around

60 to 70 percent of this value. On average, your target heart rate can be lower at around

50 percent of your maximum or higher at 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.


Some exercises such as the P90X workout by Tony Horton and the Insanity workout by Shaun T

Use your maximum heart rate for one of the target zones during your workout. Other exercises such as jogging conducted at your target heart rate are also ideal.

Target heart rate

Your target heart rate allows you to burn the maximum number of calories. In addition, your maximum heart rate plans your customised interval training or endurance training.

Ultimately, your target heart rate creates a workout plan that caters to your fitness level so you are not overworking yourself. On the other hand, working at your target heart rate provides the most amount of cardiovascular benefits and overall health benefits.

This is why, finding your average heart rate is important, so you are working within your own customised heart rate zone.

Swimmer Working Out
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