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  • : christine.dimaria
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June 9 2011 4 09 /06 /June /2011 08:02

Drug addiction, alcoholism, sex addiction, Internet addiction, shopping addiction and any other form of addiction are serious issues which have negative consequences for both the addict and the individuals close to an addict. Though each rehabilitation clinic and any rehabilitation is different, a few vital processes are the same.



Certain medications control the symptoms of withdrawal. For example, benzodiazepine tranquilisers are a common variety of medication to ease the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In the same way, the medication Lorazepam - which is marketed under the trade name Ativan - is used to ease the symptoms of withdrawal.

When detoxing from alcohol, Valium - also known as Diazepam - is oftentimes prescribed. Other commonly used tranquilisers used for detox include Alprazolam also known as Xanax, Clonazepam or Klonopin and Chlordiazepoxide also known as Librium.

Depression medications

Depression medications are sometimes prescribed to help with addiction-related depression. The brand name drug Zoloft - generically known as Sertraline Hydrochloride - is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for alcohol withdrawal. Zoloft is selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor or SSRI which aids with the depression. This variety of medication is usually used first in alcohol abuse patients.

Methadone and other medications

Naltrexone is a medication used to treat alcoholics. This particular medication reduces cravings for alcohol. Antabuse also helps treat alcoholics as well. This particular drug causes an adverse reaction when someone drinks while taking this medication.

Anticonvulsants such as Carbamazepine is used to control tremors and hallucinations. There is another drug that is a synthetic opioid known as methadone. Methadone is used to treat the withdrawal symptoms of opiates such as heroin.

Support groups

Though medications will stop cravings and ease the symptoms of withdrawal, there is still more to recovery. An effective drug rehabilitation program contains a support group or other similar therapy.

This includes speaking with a drug and alcohol counselor. Other examples of support groups include narcotics anonymous, alcoholics anonymous and shopaholics anonymous.

Basically, there is a support group for any type of addiction. Many treatment centers offer their own support groups. Addiction counseling is available in many hospitals as well. Each one of these recovery tools aids in the success of overcoming addiction.

pills (photocopy)Alcohol Abuse
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